Why dvdt.dev?

I’m sure some would wonder, “What the hell does dvdt.dev mean? Why would you make that your personal brand?” Well there’s a bit of a story to it. It all started when I was 9… (I wish I was kidding, but I’ll try to make this interesting.) The Set Up Shocking noone, I was a nerdy kid. I was gifted an encyclopedia set by my uncle when I was 9 or 10....

May 6, 2024 · 3 min · David Rinaldo

The Filter

I don’t publish very frequently and it’s because I feel like this site represents my public image and the things I put here should be somewhat polished since it’s “how the world will see me.” If I write something here I tend to keep a draft for months. Write it and rewrite it again and save it to reread later and decide it’s not good enough to publish. But in truth, I’m not always polished....

July 16, 2023 · 1 min · David Rinaldo

Switched to Arch Linux (...Again)

I have probably installed Arch Linux ten times in as many years. I see other distros every once in a while that I want to try out but I always end up back with Arch. There’s something very satisfying in knowing exactly what is running on your system down to the process. Having everything hand picked to be exactly what you want just makes it feel like home. My main computer for a long time was a 2014 13-inch Macbook Pro....

October 11, 2020 · 2 min · David Rinaldo